30021 Quartz, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
White quartz overgrown smoky quartz.
White quartz overgrown smoky quartz.
Weird ribcage growth of quartz.
Beta style quartz crystals with a smoky tint, with hematite as inclusions, and larger hematite blades alongside. Ex Roger Colling Collection #58.
Bluish bladed crystal group. Ex Roger Colling Collection #260.
A blocky rusty brown, crude crystal. Old stock.
Coarse hackly gold on contact edge of quartz reef
Cluster of gemmy colourless quartz crystals. Ex Roger Colling Collection #375. Probably collected down hill east of the Victoria Tower mine in the 1980s (Murray Thompson personal communication).
Thin lacy native copper. Ex Roger Colling Collection #217.
Cluster of pale blue barite crystals. Ex Roger Colling Collection #288.
Lustrous dark blue crystals coat one face. Some contacts(?).
Blocky transparent apophyllite crystals with pale green hedenbergite.
Platy zoned thin hexagonal rhodocrosite crystals with a dusting of pyrite, plus pyrite on the matrix. Ex Milton Lavers Collection #962. Includes label from when the specimen was on display at the Munich Mineral Show...
Orange-yellow platey crystals. From the NBHC Mine.
Matrix of quartz with individual colourless crystals to 13mm (largest doubly terminated). Specimen 53x40x20mm.
Dark grey massive portlandite with muscovite mica. Found in the northeast corner of the quarry. Ex Museum Victoria, ex Robin Sharp
White porcelaneous kaolinite on green prismatic pyromorphite. Closeup photo: Width of view 6mm. Stack of 46 images. From Greg Dainty: Specimen collected by Norman Robinson in the early 1980s, and as far as I know...
From Greg Dainty: This piece was collected, and labeled, by Norman Robinson, from an old exploration trench. Its hard to figure out exactly whats going on here, there is what appears to be chrysocolla replacing...
From a rare species collection
Mostly white apophyllite with a small number of prismatic natrolite crystals, scalenohedral calcite crystals, and drusy phillipsite. 60x50x40mm. Ex Museum of Victoria.
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Curled crystals. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Collected 26/8/1990. Ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection. This specimen has catalogue numbers from two previous collectors but unfortunately, their identity is unknown. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image...
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Tiny purple patch. Type Locality. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection. Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 45 images. Deaccessioned. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Type Locality. ex Steve Taylor. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Type Locality. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Jack and Dawn Leach Collection. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex John Toma. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Unknown White. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Bismuthinite? ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Hyalite? Sulphates? ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Hyalite? Sulphates? ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Purple octahedral fluorite. Tan coloured pancaked” feldspar?”
Excalibur Minerals
K & M Brown Collection
K & M Brown Collection
K & M Brown Collection
K & M Brown Collection
K & M Brown Collection
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Colourless to green prismatic crystals all generally oriented in the one direction. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 25 images. Ex Joan Lamond Micro Collection. Acquired by Joan from Ted Madden. Click on the image...
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Specimen measures 28x23x16mm.
Collected by Andrew Tuma 2006
Collected by Andrew Tuma 2006
Collected by Andrew Tuma 2006
Dakota Matrix (Kidwell collection)
Collected by Andrew Tuma 2006
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
Albert & Marianne Schrander-Hettinga 1/06
Albert & Marianne Schrander-Hettinga 1/06
Tony Forsyth 9/05
Tony Forsyth 9/05
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection