30020 Schorl, Dudley pegmatite, Penneshaw, Dudley Peninsula, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Terminated schorl crystals in granite matrix
Terminated schorl crystals in granite matrix
White quartz overgrown smoky quartz.
Weird ribcage growth of quartz.
Beta style quartz crystals with a smoky tint, with hematite as inclusions, and larger hematite blades alongside. Ex Roger Colling Collection #58.
Cluster of gemmy colourless quartz crystals. Ex Roger Colling Collection #375. Probably collected down hill east of the Victoria Tower mine in the 1980s (Murray Thompson personal communication).
Thin lacy native copper. Ex Roger Colling Collection #217.
Type Locality. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex John Toma. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
ex Jack Leach Collection
ex Jack Leach Collection
Watermelon tourmaline, pink core, green rim. Not terminated.
Jim Ferraiolo 6/2005
Jim Ferraiolo 6/2005
Albert Schrander-Hettinga 2/2005
Albert Schrander-Hettinga 2/2005
Type Locality. Orange crystals.
Type locality. Gatehouseite was first found at Iron Monarch in 1987. It occurs as radiating clusters of pale yellow and yellow to pale brownish orange micro crystals with barite and hematite.
JL1374. Geoff Randall $5
JL1547. Barry Porter $2
A E Seaman Mineral Museum (Donor T Lipton Hancock)
JL1379. Geoff Randall $5
JL1463. Brian Beyer $1
Pseudomorph. Margaret Brown Collection
Coloured green by copper chlorides
Barry Porter “typical of the Reaphook Hill geodes, a lot dug in the 80s, had to walk a few ks from the Scholzite deposit until we found a 4wd track in. Very hard slaty rock...
Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Width of view 4mm.
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Museum Victoria.
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Merv and Lil Legg.
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Frank Robinson.
ex Joan Lamond Collection
An older photo (from 2006).