South Australia
30023 Quartz, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
White quartz overgrown smoky quartz.
30020 Schorl, Dudley pegmatite, Penneshaw, Dudley Peninsula, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Terminated schorl crystals in granite matrix
30021 Quartz, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
White quartz overgrown smoky quartz.
30022 Quartz, Elbaite, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Weird ribcage growth of quartz.
20013 Hematite, Quartz, Iron Knob, Middleback Range, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
Beta style quartz crystals with a smoky tint, with hematite as inclusions, and larger hematite blades alongside. Ex Roger Colling Collection #58.
20010 Quartz, Wadnaminga, Olary Province, South Australia
Cluster of gemmy colourless quartz crystals. Ex Roger Colling Collection #375. Probably collected down hill east of the Victoria Tower mine in the 1980s (Murray Thompson personal communication).
20011 Copper, Wallaroo Mine, Kadina, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia
Thin lacy native copper. Ex Roger Colling Collection #217.
8176 Paratooite-(La), Paratoo copper mine, Yunta, Olary Province, South Australia
Type Locality. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
8177 Tarbuttite, Reaphook Hill, Martins Well, South Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
8178 Parahopeite, Reaphook Hill, Martins Well, South Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
8134 Pseudomalachite, Perloffite, Spring Creek Mine, Wilmington, South Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
8129 Perloffite, Spring Creek Mine, Wilmington, South Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
8119 Hentschelite, Spring Creek Mine, Wilmington, South Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
ex John Toma. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
8115 Vesigneite, Pseudomalachite, Spring Creek Mine, Wilmington, South Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
8118 Switzerite, Scholzite, Reaphook Hill, Martins Well, South Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
8109 Cornwallite, Cornubite, Arkaroola Region, North Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
8102 Bariosincosite, Copper, Spring Creek Mine, Wilmington, South Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
4358 Carminite, Beudantite/Segnitite, Mt. Malvern, near Clarendon, Adelaide Hills, South Australia
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
4352 Strengite, Fluorapatite, Klemms Quarry, Moculta, South Australia
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
4348 Dufrenite, Cyrilovite, Kidwellite, Iron Monarch Quarry, Iron Knob, South Australia
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
4349 Anhydrite, Kadina, South Australia
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
4351 Leucophosphite, Fluorapatite, Klemms Quarry, Moculta, South Australia
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
4339 Goethite, Barite, Bunnbinyunna Mine, near Morolana, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
4343 Agardite-(La), Dome Rock Copper Mine, Olary Province, South Australia
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
4344 Todorokite, Calcite, Eregunda Mine, East of Blinman, South Australia
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
4252 Rutile, Williamstown, South Australia
ex Jack Leach Collection
4198 Stilbite, Arkaroola, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
ex Jack Leach Collection
4166 Elbaite, Dudley pegmatite, Penneshaw, Dudley Peninsula, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Watermelon tourmaline, pink core, green rim. Not terminated.
4079 Wagnerite, McMahons Quarry, Olary, South Australia
Jim Ferraiolo 6/2005
4049 Huntite, Pitts Quarry, Tea Tree Gully, South Australia
Jim Ferraiolo 6/2005
3950 Hillite, Scholzite, Reaphook Hill, South Australia
Albert Schrander-Hettinga 2/2005
3948 Perhamite, Tom’s Phosphate Quarry, Kapunda, South Australia
Albert Schrander-Hettinga 2/2005
2752 Waterhouseite, Iron Monarch open cut, Iron Knob, Middleback Range, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
Type Locality. Orange crystals.
6062 Gatehouseite, Iron Monarch open cut, Iron Knob, Middleback Range, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
Type locality. Gatehouseite was first found at Iron Monarch in 1987. It occurs as radiating clusters of pale yellow and yellow to pale brownish orange micro crystals with barite and hematite.
5372 Gold, Barossa Goldfields, South Australia
JL1374. Geoff Randall $5
5373 Malachite, Calcite, Breadon Hill, Marree, South Australia
JL1547. Barry Porter $2
5339 Hematite, Pyrite, Moonta Mines, South Australia
A E Seaman Mineral Museum (Donor T Lipton Hancock)
5165 Barite, Barite Mine, Bunbinyunna, South Australia
JL1379. Geoff Randall $5
5155 Copper, Cuprite, Spring Creek Copper Mine, South Australia
JL1463. Brian Beyer $1
5118 Azurite, Malachite, Sir Dominic Mine, South Australia
Pseudomorph. Margaret Brown Collection
ncat JP1160 Gypsum, Olympic Dam Mine, Roxby Downs, Stuart Shelf, South Australia
Coloured green by copper chlorides
7228 JL1036 Siderite, Calcite, Barite, Quartz, Martins Well, South Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Barry Porter “typical of the Reaphook Hill geodes, a lot dug in the 80s, had to walk a few ks from the Scholzite deposit until we found a 4wd track in. Very hard slaty rock...
7222 JL1499 Scholzite, Reaphook Hill, Martins Well, South Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Width of view 4mm.
7210 JL3298 Ullmannite, Gills Bluff Mine, Lyndhurst, Leigh Creek, North Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Museum Victoria.
7174 JL2625 Wardite, Turquoise, Iron Monarch open cut, Iron Knob, Middleback Range, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Merv and Lil Legg.
7171 JL3982 Cumengeite, Mount Malvern Mine, Clarendon, South Mt Lofty Ranges (Adelaide Hills), Mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Frank Robinson.
7018 JL2482 Triplite, Olary Province, South Australia
ex Joan Lamond Collection
2137 Hemimorphite, Puttapa, South Australia
An older photo (from 2006).