30052 Pyromorphite, Limestone Creek, Benambra, Victoria, Australia
Ex Neil Kinnane Collection. Video best viewed full screen.
Ex Neil Kinnane Collection. Video best viewed full screen.
A rich specimen of apple-green micro crystals of ulrichite.
Acquired by Joan Lamond in 1990. Ex Museum Victoria.
Ex Roger Colling Collection
Ex Bernie Day specimen.
Ex Bernie Day specimen.
Ex Bernie Day specimen.
Ex Bernie Day specimen.
Ex Bernie Day specimen.
Ex Bernie Day specimen.
Acquired by Joan Lamond in 1998 from the late Val Hannah.
Acquired by Joan Lamond from the late Frank Robinson in 1995.
Ex Bernie Day specimen. As labelled. Suspect that it is more likely a Phillip Island specimen.
Ex Bernie Day specimen.
Ex Bernie Day specimen.
Ex Bernie Day specimen.
Waverley Show 2017
Ex Margaret Brown Collection,
Type Locality for Betpakdalite-FeFe. Ex Bernie Day Collection M2249, Margaret Day
Bluish bladed crystal group. Ex Roger Colling Collection #260.
Coarse hackly gold on contact edge of quartz reef
Cluster of pale blue barite crystals. Ex Roger Colling Collection #288.
Matrix of quartz with individual colourless crystals to 13mm (largest doubly terminated). Specimen 53x40x20mm.
Dark grey massive portlandite with muscovite mica. Found in the northeast corner of the quarry. Ex Museum Victoria, ex Robin Sharp
Mostly white apophyllite with a small number of prismatic natrolite crystals, scalenohedral calcite crystals, and drusy phillipsite. 60x50x40mm. Ex Museum of Victoria.
Collected 26/8/1990. Ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection. This specimen has catalogue numbers from two previous collectors but unfortunately, their identity is unknown. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image...
Tiny purple patch. Type Locality. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection. Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 45 images. Deaccessioned. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Type Locality. ex Steve Taylor. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Unknown White. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Bismuthinite? ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Hyalite? Sulphates? ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Hyalite? Sulphates? ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Purple octahedral fluorite. Tan coloured pancaked” feldspar?”
K & M Brown Collection
K & M Brown Collection
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Joan Lamond Micro Collection 2006
Dehne McLaughlin 2/2005
Rock made up of chromite, augite, mica and another Cr mineral
One of the very first mineral specimens that I collected.
Prismatic allanite-(Ce) crystal broken along C axis with small brown titanite crystals. Ex Bernie Day Collection.
Small nugget, about 8mm tall, very coarse with minor quartz
Gemmy blue crystals of barite on an off white chalky matrix from Heathcote. Collected by Jon Mommers on a Minsoc Vic field trip in the 1980s, probably 1982
Two small coarse gold in white quartz specimens
A single terminated beryl variety aquamarine crystal, which was recovered from a pegmatite. The crystal has a bluish green colour and some iron staining. Described as coming from near Lake Wendouree, Ballarat during Parks works,...
Alluvial or deep lead nugget with minor quartz, 0.38g.
Schorl inclusion in apatite, no matrix. Collected by Margaret Brown 19/3/1996
JL1332 Struvite altering to newberyite. Ex Museum Victoria
JL0685 Basket Weave
JL0942. Frank Robinson
Minsoc Xmas Auction
JL0728. Frank Robinson
JL0249. Ex Museum Vic
JL1526 Dendrites. Joan Taylor
JL1506 Phacolite. Ex Museum Vic
JL1541. Richard Bacon $1
JL1508 Phacolite. Ex Museum Vic
Agate-patterned calcite