4882 Topaz, Frome River, Moorina, Blue Tier district, Break O’Day municipality, Tasmania, Australia
Ex Neil Kinnane Collection, Peter Beckwith, Crystal Habit
Ex Neil Kinnane Collection, Peter Beckwith, Crystal Habit
Ex Margaret Brown Collection,
Waverley Show 2017
Type Locality for Betpakdalite-FeFe. Ex Bernie Day Collection M2249, Margaret Day
Confirmed SEM/EDS, John Carey
Confirmed SEM/EDS, John Carey
Pale rose pink fibres. Ex Smithsonian, Helmut Braith
Single crystal. Ex Dave Bunk Minerals., Jim Mcewan, Lehigh Minerals
Two crystals in marble, Hobart Show 2017
Analysed material, Helmut Braith
Type Locality, Peter Hall
Colourless transparent crystal, maybe slightly pinkish, Rod Martin
Calcite patches fluoresce orange-red, Rod Martin
Calcite patches fluoresce orange-red, Rod Martin
Orange. Highly fluorescent yellow is likely carnotite., Al Wilkins
Tiny fragment in capsule. Ex Massimo Batoni., Helmut Braith
Type Locality. Pale yellow crystals and crust., Peter Hall
Ex Alf Bond. Ex John Lewis Collection. Probably Inverell as opposed to Kingsgate.,
Ex Hatfield Goudey. Ex John Lewis Collection.,
Ex Ian Graham. Ex John Lewis Collection.,
Jacksonville is an old mining town now under the Don Pedro Reservoir. Ex Hatfield Goudey. Ex John Lewis Collection.,
Ex John Lewis collection.,
Type Locality. Ex John Sobolewski, Matt Gibbs
Type Locality. Ex John Sobolewski, Matt Gibbs
Type Locality. Ex John Sobolewski. Doubtful identification., Matt Gibbs
Type Locality for both species. Inyoite is clear, meyerhofferite is white. Ex John Sobolewski, Matt Gibbs
Type Locality. Ex John Sobolewski, Matt Gibbs
Type Locality. Ex John Sobolewski, Matt Gibbs
Type Locality. Ex John Sobolewski, Matt Gibbs
Other unidentified species present, Al Wilkins
Labelled as Golden Cross Claim, Mildren-Steppe Mine, Tucson Micromount Symposium
ebay bayminerals_2012. Bay Minerals. Philip Grounds, Morecambe, Lancashire, England
ebay bayminerals_2012. Bay Minerals. Philip Grounds, Morecambe, Lancashire, England
ebay bayminerals_2012. Bay Minerals. Philip Grounds, Morecambe, Lancashire, England
ebay bayminerals_2012. Bay Minerals. Philip Grounds, Morecambe, Lancashire, England
ebay bayminerals_2012. Bay Minerals. Philip Grounds, Morecambe, Lancashire, England
ebay bayminerals_2012. Bay Minerals. Philip Grounds, Morecambe, Lancashire, England
ebay bayminerals_2012. Bay Minerals. Philip Grounds, Morecambe, Lancashire, England
ebay bayminerals_2012. Bay Minerals. Philip Grounds, Morecambe, Lancashire, England
ebay bayminerals_2012. Bay Minerals. Philip Grounds, Morecambe, Lancashire, England
Rare from locality. Collected 10/2005, Chris Jewson
Blue John, Richard Bell
Type Locality for Chenevixite, Richard Bell
Type Locality. Ex Fred Pough, ex Steve Pullman (Whole Earth Minerals, Reno, Nevada).
Pinkish raspite (single crystal), cream chamosite balls, prismatic arsenopyrite, including some partial trillings, colourless fluorite, well-formed chalcopyrite crystals and colourless quartz crystals. Ex Wolfgang Henkel.
Black augite crystals in embedded in a matrix of weathered olivine. Label says Lasbach, with the original handwritten label being misinterpreted. Identical material to Limberg Quarries ones listed in Mindat so undoubtedly the locality. ex...
Adamite crystals, many having purple manganoan cores with colourless outer areas.
Partial crystal of elbaite in matrix. Ex Ruth Coulsell Collection.
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection. ex Hatfield Goudey
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Museum Victoria.
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Vince Peisley
ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection. Labelled as allanite-(Ce). Many allanites from here are actually dissakisite with allanite rims. General rule is that paler crystals are dissakisite. Specimen not analysed however.
ex Joan Lamond Collection
Type Locality for Zykaite. ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection
Type Locality. ex Joan Lamond Collection
Type Locality. ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection
Chalcotrichite. ex Joan Lamond Collection
Wellsite was discredited in 1997 – it is either barian Phillipsite-Ca or calcian Harmotome. ex Joan Lamond Collection
Comes from a single find made about 20 years ago (~1995). This is a lovely group of 5mm natrolite prisms perched on slender black aegirine crystals. Very aesthetic from any side, and an excellent example...
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Pale pink and red crystals. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Pale pink striated crystals. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Baveno Twins. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection. ex C. Peat 1997
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Cynthia Peat
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Cynthia Peat
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Margaret Day. It could be ancylite-(Ce) or calcioancylite-(Ce).
Type Locality for Peatite and Ramikite. A number of sharp peatite-ramikite crystals are present on this specimen. The matrix id composed of some blocky pseudomorphs of calcite after ?, synchysite after rémondite along with lots...
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Fluoresces green. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Unknown Pink. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection. Collected early 1970s. ex C Peat 1995
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Cynthia Peat
ex Joan Lamond Collection. Specimen acquired from Dutch collector, hence Oost Troodos.
A few white calcite crystals on drusy quartz.
Superb lilac hexagonal crystals of coquimbite to 9mm long. Micro yellow copiapite and colourless alunogen. From a find in 2009.
Chlorite and anatase inclusions in thin needle-like quartz. Minor white albite on quartz. Tiny brown rutile(?) on one quartz crystal.
Hemispheres of quartz (described as chalcedony, but not) with grey stilbite.
A stunning colourless fluorapophyllite with a pink stilbite crystal all sitting on drusy quartz. The apophyllite measures 45mm across. Not my photo.
Purple zoning around the edges of the fluorite cubes, cream-coloured barite. Ex John Chivers.
Dark pink/purple crystals protected in a cavity. Ex Darren Lucas.
ex Patrick C. Murphy, ex Darren Lucas
White quartz overgrown smoky quartz.
Weird ribcage growth of quartz.
White quartz overgrown smoky quartz.
Terminated schorl crystals in granite matrix
7.7g piece of the Canyon Diablo meteorite collected from the north side of Meteor Crater, in 1928.
Material containing variable amounts of the unnamed” copper-calcium-aluminium silicate sent to Mrs Judy Montoya
Spessartine Garnet included in Smoky Quartz from Searchlight Nevada. Quartz crystal with included red gem garnets. You can see about 4 garnets in here. The largest one fills up one subcrystal. Sharp and perfect, except...
Morion Smoky Quartz pitch black from Dinkey Lakes pegmatites, Dinkey Creek, Fresno Co., California. Jet black, from the Fred DeVito collection, owned by Justin since 2004. A really outstanding crystal from a now closed location.
Corundum Var. Ruby with Mica Var. Fucshite from Cascade Canyon, San Antonio Canyon, San Gabriel Mts, San Bernardino Co., California. This location for red corundum crystals was to be closed off in 2016, illegal to...
Cobaltoan lithiophorite cementing conglomerate from Seto City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, formerly from the Arthur. L. Flagg (1883-1961) collection, catalogued as asbolite” with inventory number 3990 (black painted number & glued fabric strip). The two other...
Multiple Japan-Law twins. Ex Marylin Dodge Collection. See http://www.irocks.com/minerals/specimen/3973
A blocky rusty brown, crude crystal. Old stock.
An alkali feldspar intermediate between low sanidine and high albite. A strange, elongated crystal of anorthoclase without matrix, showing modest twinning, here from a well-documented and sought-after locality for this feldspar-group mineral. From an old...
Bluish bladed crystal group. Ex Roger Colling Collection #260.
Beta style quartz crystals with a smoky tint, with hematite as inclusions, and larger hematite blades alongside. Ex Roger Colling Collection #58.
Cluster of pale blue barite crystals. Ex Roger Colling Collection #288.
Thin lacy native copper. Ex Roger Colling Collection #217.
Cluster of gemmy colourless quartz crystals. Ex Roger Colling Collection #375. Probably collected down hill east of the Victoria Tower mine in the 1980s (Murray Thompson personal communication).
A spherical cluster of multi-coloured (pink core, pale green outer with darker green tips) terminated elbaite crystals. Ex Carolyn Seitz collection. 30x30x25mm.
Coarse hackly gold on contact edge of quartz reef
Lustrous octahedral crystals.
Labelled simply as Moldowa, Bannat. Very similar to Mindat photo 459649. Ex Dr A. Kranz in Bonn, number 35470. Ex Michigan Mining School Collection, number 35470 crossed out, new number 6033. Ex Michigan College of...