10029 Fluorite, Doublestrike Claim (Rocky Trail), Bound Ranch District, Grant Co., New Mexico, USA
Translucent blue-green fluorite crystals on matrix. The fluorite crystals are cubic form with dodecahedral (110) edge faces that are opaque white.
Translucent blue-green fluorite crystals on matrix. The fluorite crystals are cubic form with dodecahedral (110) edge faces that are opaque white.
From Greg Dainty: This piece was collected, and labeled, by Norman Robinson, from an old exploration trench. Its hard to figure out exactly whats going on here, there is what appears to be chrysocolla replacing...
White porcelaneous kaolinite on green prismatic pyromorphite. Closeup photo: Width of view 6mm. Stack of 46 images. From Greg Dainty: Specimen collected by Norman Robinson in the early 1980s, and as far as I know...
Nice zoned yellow-white ettringite, superb colourless calcite, reddish andradite and minor hematite.
Group of water-clear calcite crystals 50mm tall. Ex Eugene Carmichael Collection (EWC 4218), ex Lazard Cahn (1067), noted on Cahn label as having been collected by Arthur Russell.
A water-clear fishtail gypsum crystal, 100mm long.
Single thick lustrous blue crystal on minor amount of matrix. This lot of azurites was collected from a water-course that intersected the orebody. Many great specimens were found andtaken to the US to sell. When...
From a rare species collection. Two pieces
From a rare species collection
From a rare species collection
Orange-stained platey crystals of valentinte with other species on matrix. Ex New York State Museum, number 3463-1. Ex Kunz Collection, number 216.1 (written in red on specimen). Back of one label says prepared by Dr...
Lustrous and transluscent green botryoidal prehnite with calcite crystals on back side. Ex A Schumacher, labelled as New Street Quarry, number 86. Ex J Obert (on Schumacher label). Ex Alfred Stevenson Collection, labelled as Prospect...
Drusy micro anglesite crystals on matrix. Ex US National Museum (Smithsonian) Collection, Department of Minerals, catalogue number 14121. Ex Hawes Collection acquired in 1884.
Light brown translucent crystals on matrix. Ex American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) Collection, numbered 49272. Jamie Newman of the museum has advised that the number should read 94272.
Mostly white apophyllite with a small number of prismatic natrolite crystals, scalenohedral calcite crystals, and drusy phillipsite. 60x50x40mm. Ex Museum of Victoria.
Transparent tabular apophyllite with minor colourless stilbite and orange (stained or coated) acicular thaumasite on green prehnite. 60x60x18mm. Ex Eugene Carmichael Collection (563) – label also mentions New York State Museum. Ex Hugh Ford (two...
Highly etched morganite crystal with superb lustre creating many reflective facets dispersing the light in all directions. Slightly pinkish under artificial light but colourless, maybe even tinged with blue under daylight.
Specimen measuring 5.8×4.1×3.5cm weighs just under 5 ounces. Ex Martin L. Ehrmann (d. 1972) on Fifth Avenue, who according to the Mineralogical Record Archive became America’s premier dealer in high-quality mineral specimens. While the label...
Single crystal 42x25x15mm. Ex Carl R. Bently collection (#1069), ex Oren Root (1803-1885) collection (#1647).
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Curled crystals. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Collected 26/8/1990. Ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection. This specimen has catalogue numbers from two previous collectors but unfortunately, their identity is unknown. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image...
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Chris Jewson. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Type Locality. ex Steve Taylor. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Tiny purple patch. Type Locality. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection. Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 45 images. Deaccessioned. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
ex Hatfield Goudey Collection. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Type Locality. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Type Locality. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Type Locality. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Andy Tindle: Ajoite is listed on MinDat from England, Devon, Tavistock District, Tavistock Hamlets, New East Wheal Russell (South Wheal Crebor). No reference is given, but almost certainly the source is the British Micromount Society...
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Type Locality. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Jack and Dawn Leach Collection. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex John Toma. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Chris Jewson, collected 1993. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
From tin ingots salvaged from the SS Cheerful that sank in 1885. ex Chris Jewson. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Bismuthinite? ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Unknown White. ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Hyalite? Sulphates? ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Hyalite? Sulphates? ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Museum Victoria. Simply labelled as Cornwall, England, probably Geevor/Levant, Ian Acworth, Steve Rust, David Ifold pers com.
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Harry Critchley.
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Harry Critchley.
ex Joan Lamond Collection.
ex Joan Lamond Collection.
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Harry Critchley.
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Judy Rowe. Sulphur not on sinter matrix.
ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection. White crystals. Other species present but not identified (tridymite?, enstatite?, phlogopite?).
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Harry Critchley
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Museum Victoria
ex Joan Lamond Collection, ex Mike Newnham. Sharp yellow crystals with tiny smithsonite(?) and inclusions of dioptase and a red mineral.
ex Joan Lamond Collection
Previously iwakiite. Now redefined as jacobsite-Q, a polymorph of jacobsite. Type Locality. ex Joan Lamond Collection.
Type Locality. ex Joan Lamond Collection
Namuwite erroneously reported according to Mindat (Uwe Kolitsch, 2012). It is actually Unnamed (Gordaite-related Ca-Zn Sulphate Chloride Hydrate). ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection
Proustite at Tsumeb not listed in Mindat. ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Joan Lamond Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Old Foote specimen with Foote label on the back. Labelled as Sonoma Co.” but based on the crystal habit (divergent sprays of red crystals) and the matrix
Small amount of gold with wolframite.
Many patches of gold in crystaline quartz with a few stannite crystals.
Rhodochrosite inclusions in amethyst.
Purple hexagonal apatite crystals on a pale smoky quartz with tourmaline inclusions and minor pyrite.
Sharp crystals of sphalerite and galena. Purchased at Keystone, priced at $24.
Cluster of pale blue barite crystals. Purchased at Keystone, priced at $40.
Cluster of pale blue barite crystals.
Large plate of cockscomb barite. Ex Gregory, Bottley and Lloyd. Similar to Mindat photo 260605. A specimen of baryte, bearing an old adhesive paper label reading: Cockscomb Baryties, from Crich , in old white card tray,...
Single large colourless crystal with brown zoned phantom zone. Label suggests it is from about 1900.
Two bluish green topaz crystals on a quartz matrix. Minor arsenopyrite, muscovite and purple fluorite. 45x45x30mm. #520679.
Purple cubes of fluorite on double quartz crystals. 57x35x22mm. #500640.
Type Locality for both species. This relatively NEW SPECIES was approved in 2011 but has only recently reached the mineral market (October 2014). Protochabourneite occurs as black micro granular aggregates sparely scattered in quartz/pyrite matrix,...
Flat topped colourless prisms of calcite on matrix. The underside has acicular millerite (rare at this location) and hematite. Ex Aug Kranz hand-written label carbonate of lime. Ex A. Kranz in Bonn, Oct 23. Ex...
Quartz pseudomorph after barite. Ex Brother Juan Salvador, FMS, a volunteer at the AMNH in the 1880s. His card apparently read One of the great treasures of my collection, 16/7/1884. Ex American Museum of Natural...
Type Locality. Small shiny black crystalline masses and grains of this unusual borate in white brucite marble. Analysed material, obtained in 2001. Ex Raymond Hodgson Collection (3828)
Small, glassy colourless inclusions (fluorescent blue in SW UV) in natrolite. A very rare sodium-calcium-barium phosphate, obtained in 2008 (at some cost!). Ex Raymond Hodgson Collection (4408)
Small capsule of brown fibrous material of this rare manganese borate mineral. Obtained in 1997. Ex Raymond Hodgson Collection (3345)
Type Locality. Tiny green chip in capsule. Alters in air. Ex Raymond Hodgson Collection (3839).
Type Locality. Chalky white mass. Ex Raymond Hodgson Collection (2943), ex Richard Tayler Minerals.
Type Locality. White fragments in a capsule. Ex Andrew Hodgson Collection (1686).
Single crystal, no matrix. Ex University of Arizona Mineral Museum. Donor Carl Richardson.
Sharp brown crystals. Strong fluorescence under SWUV. Ex A M Munger.
Type Locality. Tiny yellow patches on matrix. Ex Wolfgang Henkel.
Reddish-brown loose crystals. Ex Dennis McMurdie, ex Minerals Unlimited. Originally called koppite.
Type Locality. Tiny piece with yellow kombatite, hausmannite and andradite(?). Ex Dan Weinrich, Ralph Merrill.
Single crystal pseudomorph of goethite after pyrite.
Small doubly-terminated quartz crystal with petroleum inclusions, many with bubbles (enhydros).
Single quite large apophyllite crystal with minor white laumontite and greenish pumpellyite.
Blocky crystals. Possible other species.
Elongated crystals. Other species present.
Sky blue platey namuite with tiny bluish-green prismatic bechererite.
Blocky pale blue crystals.
Pale green creaseyite crystals.
Blue acicular caledonite crystals with pale yellow susannite.
Green and yellow/orange pyromorphite.
Yellow hexagonal crystals of susannite.
Pale blue crystals.
Type Locality. White acicular crystals of steverustite.
A small pocket in matrix filled with golden Stewartite crystals and olive-green mitridatite. This specimen was part of a Micromount mineral collection purchased from the estate of Anne-Marie Scholz Deal of New Jersey and Pennsylvania....
Type Locality. Named for Robert (Bob) William Whitmore, a mineral collector and previous owner of the Palermo No.1 mine. This specimen was part of a Micromount mineral collection purchased from the estate of Anne-Marie Scholz...
Collected by Pierre Joubert. Vredendal is pronounced with an F” sound.”
Collected by Pierre Joubert. Vredendal is pronounced with an F” sound.”
Clear quartz crystal with inclusions collected by Pierre Joubert on a friend’s farm near Ceres.
Cluster of emerald-green crystals
Type Locality. Tan crystals on matrix. Approved 2014.
Type Locality. A couple of tiny white crystals on matrix. Approved 2015.
Purple octahedral fluorite. Tan coloured pancaked” feldspar?”
Bright yellow crusts of sabugalite with pale-green tabular torbernite (or zeunerite?). Ex Sid Williams (Globo de Plomom). The sabugalite exhibits strong fluorescence under SWUV. Note: labelled as sabugalite, but not confirmed. Rick Turner: I have...
Single orange crystal, no matrix. Ex Dave Shannon.
Colourless/white micaceous crystals.
Tiny orange crystals embedded in matrix.
Type Locality. Single blue cube, no matrix. Ex John Melhase (pre 1938), ex California Academy of Sciences, ex Steve Pullman.
ex John Muntyan – Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum :92C3