1902 Andradite, Epidote, Prehnite, Beith, Scotland
Photo width about 2.5mm. Tiny andradite crystals around the base of a prehnite group.
Photo width about 2.5mm. Tiny andradite crystals around the base of a prehnite group.
Capsule. Originally from Clive Quiet, 2005
Six crystals/clusters, including a star formed by cumengite crystals epitaxially overgrown on boleite.
Pyrite decomposed and destroyed the specimen.
The “kidwellite” is likely meurigite.
Greenish tourmaline, could be dravite.
Acanthite on native silver. Width of view 1.75mm. Stack of 40 images.
Purple fluorite crystals on quartz
More likely pyrite
Old mount with label of Yuma Co which predatesthe split of Yuma into the La Paz and Yuma counties.
White hexagonal plates. Other species present (maybe fluorapatite, analcime, albite?). Collected in 1994.
Small patches of gold on quartz.
Colourless crystals partly on epidote. Ex Bob Trimingham Collection #T-10527, acquired by him in 1987, purchased for $5 from Parker Minerals. Marked at US$8 by Jewel Tunnel Imports, but Keystone.