1593 Mimetite, Broken Hill, New South Wales
Zoned hegagonal prisms. Ex Joan Lamond specimen #3972.
Zoned hegagonal prisms. Ex Joan Lamond specimen #3972.
Malachite on colourless-grey barite crystals. Ex Downunder Minerals.
Originally thought to be barite, but no barium in analyses, so more likely gypsum.
Tiny yellow crystals. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 35 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Crystalline nugget 4.66g.
Sealed glass ampule containing many flattened flakes of gold. Ex Brian Shelton Collection.
Waterworn zircons half-filling a micro box. Colours range from pale yellow to dark reddish brown. Many fluoresce bright yellow under shortwave UV. Collected by Ron and Betty Wallace.
Labelled as barytocalcite (not listed in Mindat), but could be barite. Colourless to white crystal aggregates. Width of view 6mm. Stack og 86 images.
Sharp blue azurite crystals on and around a cuprite crystal replaced by malachite. Ex Margaret Brown Collection.
White picromerite crystals (dehydrated to white, opaque leonite) with colourless halite.
Yellow-green tellurite. Grey-metallic gruzdevite microcrystals are embedded in the matrix. Ex Excalibur Minerals. Ex Eugene Carmichael Collection number 1026. Ex John Betts number 58658.
Brown-black birnessite pseudomorph after a prismatic 20mm serandite crystal with no matrix attached. The serandite crystallized first, the birnessite replaced the serandite atom-by-atom maintaining the crystal form, but changing the composition. Green crystals are leucophanite....
Brown micro veins. Probably from the same stock as is being sold by David Garske (1/2014) which is from Tony Jones, 2013, ex David Shannon, ex Mikon.
11 well-formed gold crystals. Ex Hugh Ford. Ex Eugene Carmichael, number 1401.
Zircon inclusion in dravite.
Tiny very sharp anatase crystals with beige muscovite
Red crystals of inesite with minor calcite.
The rare lithium bearing double-ring silicate sogdianite is rich in this mount which has a display face of 17x9mm. Specimen is mounted on a pedestal in a two part plastic (black bottom, clear top) micromount...
From an old collection (dated 3/89), this 8x6x4mm piece is secured with mineral tack to a cardboard base in a clear plastic two piece micromount display case. Aqcuired from Jake Slagle, Baltimore.
White crystalline. Ex Milt Soman.