2923 UA Alabandite, Hausmannite, Broken Hill, New South Wales
Grungy brown coating of hausmannite over alabandite. Width of view 6.5mm. Stack of 20 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version. Older photo…
Grungy brown coating of hausmannite over alabandite. Width of view 6.5mm. Stack of 20 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version. Older photo…
Orange-coated pseudocubic crystals of chabazite and green sulphur crystals on alabandite. Width of view 5.75mm. Stack of 35 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Sharp octahedral grey crystals of alabandite in a matrix of fluorite and calcite, both of which fluoresce (blue and pink respectively).