ncat JP1491 Dioptase, Altyn-Tyube dioptase deposit (Altyn-Tube), Altyn-Tyube area, Kirghiz Steppes (Asiatic Steppes), Karaganda Region, Kazakhstan October 8, 2019 Steve Asia Kazakhstan Type Locality Type Locality
New Mexico North and Central Americas United States 4959 Mimetite, Dioptase, Independence lode, Victorio District, Luna Co., New Mexico, USA October 5, 2019
Arizona North and Central Americas United States 0798 Dioptase, Table Mountain, Arizona, USA September 20, 2019
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) ncat JP2156 Dioptase, Malachite, Tantara Mine, Shinkolobwe, Kambove District, Katanga (Shaba), Democratic Republic of the Congo October 8, 2019
Africa Namibia 5464 Cerussite, Dioptase, Quartz, Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto, Namibia October 2, 2019