ncat OS007 Rhodonite, Akatore Creek, Dunedin, South Island, New Zealand November 1, 2022 Steve Australasia New Zealand Slab 116mm wide. Shown in normal light and backlit. Unidentified black manganese mineral, possibly pyrolusite. Backlit photo shows a band of translucent cherty material. Click on the images below for higher resolution versions.
Australasia Australia New South Wales ncat JP1881 Rhodonite, Block 14 opencut, Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales September 23, 2019
Europe Italy ncat JP1850 Rhodonite, Valgraveglia Mine (Gambatesa Mine), Reppia, Graveglia Valley, Ne, Genova Province, Liguria, Italy October 11, 2019
Australasia Australia New South Wales 0575 Rhodonite, Blackwood Open Cut, Broken Hill, New South Wales November 27, 2018
Australasia Australia New South Wales 3339 Rhodonite, Galena, Broken Hill, New South Wales October 3, 2019