1452 Volborthite, Monument Valley, Navajo Co, Arizona, USA July 14, 2021 Steve Arizona North and Central Americas United States Obtained in a trade with Al Wilkins. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 70 images.
California North and Central Americas United States 4974 Vesignieite, Volborthite, Green Monster Mine, Kearsarge, Kearsarge District [2], Inyo Mts (Inyo Range), Inyo Co., California, USA October 5, 2019
England United Kingdom 4301 Volborthite, New Cliffe Hill Quarry, Stanton Under Bardon, Leicestershire, England October 5, 2019
Australasia Australia South Australia 1503 Sulvanite, Malachite, Volborthite, Vesigniite, Edelweiss Mine, South Australia September 22, 2019
Australasia Australia South Australia 5712 Atacamite, Gypsum, Volborthite, Sweet Nell (Ironstone Lagoon), Ironstone Lagoon, Stuart Shelf, South Australia August 26, 2020