2435 Mrazekite, Chrysocolla, Wombat Hole Prospect, Morass Creek, Benambra, Victoria September 22, 2019 Steve Australasia Australia Victoria
Dumfries & Galloway Scotland United Kingdom ncat JP1450 Chrysocolla after Veszelyite, Hemimorphite, New Glencrieff Mine (Wanlockhead Mine; East and West branch of New Glencrieff Vein), Wanlockhead, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, UK October 8, 2019
Europe Germany 7124 Eulytine, Quartz, Biotite, Chrysocolla, Hechtsberg quarry, Hausach, Black Forest, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany October 5, 2019
Australasia Australia Queensland ncat GLEE Chrysocolla, Kaolinite, Monakoff Mine, Cloncurry, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland September 16, 2024
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) ncat JP1849 Libethenite, Chrysocolla, Katanga (Shaba), Democratic Republic of the Congo October 8, 2019