ncat JP2455, Bastnasite-(Ce), Pyrite, Fluorite, Barite, Red Cloud Fluorite mine, Gallinas Mountains, Red Cloud District, Lincoln Co., New Mexico, USA

Green hexagonal bastnäsite-(Ce) crystal in a cavity in fluorite. A pyrite crystal beginning to alter to goethite. White to pink acicular-looking barite. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 50 images (bastnäsite-(Ce)). Stack of 40 images (pyrite). Stack of 40 images (barite).

Click on the images below for a higher resolution version.

Stacked from 50 images. Method=B (R=8,S=3)
Stacked from 40 images. Method=B (R=8,S=3)
Stacked from 40 images. Method=B (R=8,S=3)