5453 Pyrite, Penberthy Croft Mine, St Hilary, Cornwall, England October 2, 2019 Steve Cornwall England United Kingdom
Australasia Australia Queensland 8200 Pyrite, Biggenden Mine (Mt Biggenden Mine; Biggenden Gold And Bismuth Mine; Mt Biggenden Bismuth Mine; Mt Biggenden Magnetite Mine; Biggenden Quarry), Biggenden Shire, Queensland October 5, 2019
Austria Europe 4808 Hydrozincite, Pyrite, Hemimorphite, Obernberg am Brenner, Obernberg valley, Sill valley (Wipp valley), North Tyrol, Tyrol, Austria October 5, 2019
New Mexico North and Central Americas United States 2913 Pyrite, Barite, Fluorite, Nakaye mine (Alamo mine), Derry District, Sierra County, New Mexico, USA April 18, 2023