0040 Atacamite, Mt Gunson, South Australia November 30, 2018 Steve Australasia Australia South Australia Cluster of prismatic atacamite crystals. Width of view 5.5mm. Stack of 10 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia South Australia 0531 Malachite replacing Atacamite, Kitticoola, South Australia September 20, 2019
Australasia Australia South Australia ncat M32 Atacamite, Mt Gunson, South Australia October 14, 2019
Australasia Australia South Australia ncat JP121 Atacamite, Chrysocolla, Mount Gunson Copper mines (Pernatty Lagoon – Mount Gunson Cu Deposits), Pernatty Lagoon, Stuart Shelf, South Australia September 23, 2019
Australasia Australia South Australia ncat M3572 Wulfenite, Atacamite, Mt Gunson, South Australia October 15, 2019