7129 JL2560 Clinoclase, Olivenite, Wheal Gorland, St Day United Mines (Poldice Mines), Gwennap, Camborne – Redruth – St Day District, Cornwall, England September 29, 2019 Steve Cornwall England United Kingdom ex Joan Lamond Collection
Nevada North and Central Americas United States ncat JP555, Clinoclase, Copper stope, Majuba Hill Mine (Majuba Mine; Mylar Mine; Tin Mine; Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology sample sites 2844 & 2846), Antelope District, Pershing Co., Nevada, USA September 23, 2019
Europe France 3910 Olivenite, Barite, Arseniosiderite, Tistoulet mine, Padern, Narbonne, Aude, Occitanie, France June 24, 2021
Cornwall England United Kingdom 3808 Olivenite, Chrysocolla, Clinoclase, Wheal Gorland, St. Day, Cornwall, England June 22, 2021