5427 Ludwigite, Marble quarries, Kilchrist, Isle of Skye, Scotland October 2, 2019 Steve Scotland United Kingdom
Europe Italy ncat JP1112 Ludwigite, Onano, Latera volcano, Viterbo Province, Latium, Italy October 11, 2019
Europe Germany 3990 Ludwigite, Szaibelyite (Ascharite), Grube Pohla, Schwartzenberg, Saxony, Germany October 3, 2019
Europe Germany ncat JP0459 Ludwigite, Magnetite, Prospect 24, Pohla, Schwarzenberg District, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany October 11, 2019
Idaho North and Central Americas United States 5523 Ludwigite, Spring Mountain District, Lemhi Co., Idaho, USA October 5, 2019