6040 Diopside, Prehnite, Jeffrey mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada October 2, 2019 Steve Canada North and Central Americas Good prismatic crystals of colourless prehnite with green diopside. Ex Brian Shelton Collection.
Australasia Australia Tasmania 2753 Prehnite, ~1km Deep Drill Core, Variety Bay, Bruny Island, Tasmania October 3, 2019
Scotland United Kingdom 7156 JL2572 Prehnite, Loanhead Quarry, Beith, Strathclyde, Scotland December 1, 2021
North and Central Americas United States Virginia 10005 Hydroxyapophyllite-(K), Prehnite, Stilbite, Laumontite, Fairfax quarry, Centreville, Fairfax Co., Virginia, USA March 23, 2018
North Ayrshire Scotland United Kingdom ncat JP1649 Calcite, Prehnite, Loanhead Quarry, Beith, North Ayrshire, Scotland, UK October 8, 2019