3253 Orthoclase (Adularia), Habachtal, Prehnite Island, The Alps, Austria October 3, 2019 Steve Austria Europe
Austria Europe 5550 Titanite, Plattenkogel north slope, Anlauf valley, Salzburg, Austria March 23, 2018
Michigan North and Central Americas United States 5447 Adularia, Hematite, Central Mine, Central, Keweenaw Co., Michigan October 2, 2019
Cornwall England United Kingdom 3811 Orthoclase (Adularia), Quartz, Wheal Edward, St. Just, Cornwall, England October 3, 2019
Austria Europe 3291 Orthoclase (Adularia), Sphene, Quartz, Clinozoisite, Habachtal, Prehnite Island, The Alps, Austria October 3, 2019