3740 Epidote, Gemstone Beach, South Coast of the South Island, New Zealand October 3, 2019 Steve Australasia New Zealand
Europe Switzerland ncat JP0964 Piemontite, Zoisite var Thulite, Clinozoisite, Epidote, Maurino Quarry, Pizzo Alzasca (Poncione d’Alzasca; Poncione Alzasca), Linescio, Campo Valley, Maggia Valley, Ticino (Tessin), Switzerland October 8, 2019
Australasia Australia Western Australia ncat JP3057 Epidote, Quartz, Walsh Point, Port Warrender, Mitchell Plateau Deposit, Wyndham-East Kimberley Shire, Western Australia January 10, 2023
Michigan North and Central Americas United States ncat JP748, Epidote, Quartz, Laurium Mine, Keewenaw Peninsula, Michigan, USA September 23, 2019
Hawaii North and Central Americas United States 0825 Epidote, Kapaa Quarry, Oahu, Hawaii, USA September 20, 2019