4003 Prehnite, Apophyllite, Hanville Quarry, Cumberland, Rhode Island, USA October 4, 2019 Steve North and Central Americas Rhode Island United States Robert Kurcbart 4/2005
Highland Scotland United Kingdom 9046 JP2316 Apophyllite, Chabazite-Ca, Thomsonite-Ca, Moonen Bay, Dunvegan, Duirinish, Isle of Skye, Highland, Scotland, UK June 23, 2020
England United Kingdom 4411 Prehnite, Moorswood Quarry, Dysgwylfa Hill, Shropshire, England October 5, 2019
Australasia Australia New South Wales ncat OW106 M3682 Calcite, Apophyllite, Albion Park Quarry, Croom, Camden Co., New South Wales April 30, 2023
New Jersey North and Central Americas United States 5483 Prehnite, Thomsonite, Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, New Jersey, USA October 2, 2019