4149 Halite, Penpol Creek, Devoran, Cornwall, England October 4, 2019 Steve Cornwall England United Kingdom Richard Bell 9/2005
Deaccessioned Michigan North and Central Americas United States Deaccessioned 0654 Halite, Detroit Salt Company Mine (International Salt Company Mine), Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan, USA September 20, 2019
Australasia Australia South Australia 7229 JL1259 Halite, Gypsum, Pernatty Lagoon, Stuart Shelf, South Australia February 8, 2024
Europe Germany 1486 Picromerite, Leonite, Halite, Neuhof-Ellers Potash Works, Neuhof, Fulda, Hesse, Germany September 22, 2019
North and Central Americas United States Wyoming 4292 Wegscheiderite, Halite, Trona, Solvay Mine Green River, Sweetwater Co., Wyoming, USA October 4, 2019