10078 Azurite, Girilambone Cu Mine, Girilambone, Canbelego Co., New South Wales October 5, 2019 Steve Australasia Australia New South Wales Lustrous dark blue crystals coat one face. Some contacts(?).
Australasia Australia Queensland 20068 Azurite, Boomerang Mine (Matlock Mine; Mount Maggie Mine), Gunpowder District, City of Mount Isa, Queensland September 27, 2020
England Somerset United Kingdom 5016 Azurite, Malachite, Castle Hill Quarry, Bridgewater, Somerset, England September 29, 2019
Mexico North and Central Americas 10018 Azurite, Milpillas Mine, Cuitaca, Mun. de Santa Cruz, Sonora, Mexico October 5, 2019