5600 Johannite, Krohnkite, Natrozippeite, Atacamite, Blue Lizard Mine, Red Canyon, White Canyon District, San Juan Co., Utah, USA October 5, 2019 Steve North and Central Americas United States Utah Johannite and natrozippeite fluoresce, Al Wilkins
Australasia Australia South Australia 1370 Atacamite, Mt Gunson Copper Mine, Mt Gunson, South Australia September 22, 2019
Europe Ireland ncat JP1949 Atacamite, Dooneen Mine, Allihies, Castletown-Bearhaven Copper Mines, Beara Peninsula, Co. Cork, Ireland October 8, 2019
North and Central Americas United States Utah 3724 Natrozippeite, Cane Creek Mine, Moab, Moab Mining District, Grand Co., Utah, USA October 20, 2019