8153 Agardite, Penberthy Croft Mine, St Hilary, Mount’s Bay District, Cornwall, England October 5, 2019 Steve Cornwall England United Kingdom ex Bernie and Margaret Day Collection
Europe Germany 4675 Cornwallite, Fluorite, Albite, Agardite, Clara Mine, Wolfach, Germany November 16, 2018
Cornwall England United Kingdom 4151 Agardite, Penberthy Croft Mine, St. Hilary, Cornwall, England October 4, 2019
Europe Greece ncat JP2541 Agardite, Cu-Adamite, Hilarion Mine, Hilarion area, Kamariza Mines, Agios Konstantinos, Lavrion District Mines, Lavrion District, Attikí Prefecture, Greece February 16, 2025
England United Kingdom 4140 Agardite with hydrocarbon, Westcott Mine, Habberley, Shropshire, England October 4, 2019