ncat JP1103 Heulandite-Ca, Gibelbach (Gibelsbach; Giebelsbach), Fiesch, Goms, Wallis (Valais), Switzerland October 8, 2019 Steve Europe Switzerland
Canada North and Central Americas 30081 Chabazite-Ca, Heulandite-Ca, Wasson Bluff, Parrsboro, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, Canada April 25, 2020
Idaho North and Central Americas United States 30107 Heulandite-Ca, Mordenite, Rat’s Nest claim (Rat’s Nest mine), Challis, Bay Horse Mining District, Custer Co., Idaho, USA September 4, 2020
North and Central Americas Oregon United States ncat JP2968, Heulandite-Ca, Milepost 7, Crowfoot Road, Lost Creek Reservoir, Jackson Co., Oregon, USA September 23, 2019
Scotland United Kingdom West Dunbartonshire ncat JP1703 Heulandite-Ca, Old Kilpatrick, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland, UK October 8, 2019