ncat JP1913 Pyrite, Peyrebrune, Montredon-Labessonnie, Realmont, Tarn, Occitanie, France October 11, 2019 Steve Europe France
Iowa North and Central Americas United States 1455 Pyrite, Pint’s Quarry, Raymond, Black Hawk Co., Iowa, USA March 23, 2018
Arkansas North and Central Americas United States 5630 Pyrite, Jones Mill Quarry (Martin Marietta Quarry; Highway 51 Quarry; Mid-State Quarry), Magnet Cove, Hot Spring Co., Arkansas, USA October 5, 2019
Colorado North and Central Americas United States ncat JP1562, Enargite, Pyrite, Quartz, National Belle Mine (National Bell Mine), Red Mountain, Red Mountain District, Ouray Co., Colorado, USA September 23, 2019