ncat VHD7, Arfvedsonite, Microcline, Mount Malosa, Zomba, Malawi November 17, 2019 Steve Africa Malawi TBA
North and Central Americas United States Washington 4997 Arfvedsonite, Zircon, Albite, Willow Basin, Washington Pass, Golden Horn Batholith, Okanogan Co., Washington, USA October 5, 2019
Europe Norway 4763 Microcline, Landsverk 1 Feldspar Quarry (Jokeli), Landsverk, Evje og Hornnes, Aust-Agder, Norway October 5, 2019
North and Central Americas United States Washington 4739 Arfvedsonite, Astrophyllite, Zircon, Hyalite, North Cascades Hwy, Milepost 166, Washington Pass, Golden Horn Batholith, Okanogan Co., Washington, USA October 5, 2019
North and Central Americas United States Washington 4740 Zektzerite, Elpidite, Aegirine, Arfvedsonite, Astrophyllite, North Cascades Hwy, Milepost 166, Washington Pass, Golden Horn Batholith, Okanogan Co., Washington, USA October 5, 2019