7357 JL3023 Chrysocolla, Veszelyite, Straitstep Vein (Margaret’s Vein), Wanlock Dod-Whytes Cleuch, Wanlockhead, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, UK December 26, 2020 Steve Dumfries & Galloway Scotland United Kingdom Chrysocolla after veszelyite. Acquired by Joan Lamond from Harry Critchley in 1998.
Mexico North and Central Americas 0004 Chrysocolla, Boleite, Pseudoboleite, Santa Rosalia (El Boleo), Boleo District, Mun. de Mulege, Baja California Sur (BC Sur), Mexico September 18, 2019
Australasia Australia South Australia ncat JP3687 Hyalite, Conichalcite, Agardite-(Y), Chrysocolla, Dome Rock Copper Mine, Boolcoomatta Reserve (Boolcoomata Station; Boolcoomatta), Olary Province, South Australia September 23, 2019
Dumfries & Galloway Scotland United Kingdom 5267 Chrysocolla, Whytes Cleugh, Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire, Scotland September 29, 2019
Australasia Australia Western Australia ncat VHD3, Chrysocolla, Whim Creek, Western Australia November 17, 2019