7357 JL3023 Chrysocolla, Veszelyite, Straitstep Vein (Margaret’s Vein), Wanlock Dod-Whytes Cleuch, Wanlockhead, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, UK December 26, 2020 Steve Dumfries & Galloway Scotland United Kingdom Chrysocolla after veszelyite. Acquired by Joan Lamond from Harry Critchley in 1998.
Australasia Australia South Australia 0293 Hentschelite, Malachite, Chrysocolla, Cuprite, Spring Creek Copper Mine, South Australia September 19, 2019
Montana North and Central Americas United States 8048 M2750 Veszelyite, Black Pine Mine, Montana, USA March 24, 2018
Europe Germany 7124 Eulytine, Quartz, Biotite, Chrysocolla, Hechtsberg quarry, Hausach, Black Forest, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany October 5, 2019