40022 RH Andesine, Ilmenite, Lethbridge quarry, Lethbridge, Golden Plains Shire, Victoria January 24, 2021 Steve Australasia Australia Victoria An interesting grouping of andesine crystals. There is a couple of sharp ilmenite crystals in the background too. Ex Dick Haslam Collection. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 30 images. Click on the photo below for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia Victoria ncat JP1479 Hyalite, Ilmenite, Boral Limited quarry, Bundoora, City of Whittlesea, Victoria September 23, 2019
Australasia Australia Victoria 2728 Magnetite, Ilmenite (Alluvial), Sassafras Creek, Dandenong Ranges, Victoria October 3, 2019
Australasia Australia Victoria 0626 Chabazite, Augite, Andesine, Portland Harbour Trust Quarry, Cape Grant, Portland, Victoria September 20, 2019
Australasia Australia Victoria ncat JP2833 Ilmenite, Hyalite, Boral Limited quarry, Bundoora, City of Whittlesea, Victoria September 23, 2019