ncat JP1045 Anglesite, Minium, Wirrealpa Mine (Flinders Range Silver Lead NL; Donkey Bore Prospect), Wirrealpa homestead area, North Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia May 7, 2021 Steve Australasia Australia South Australia Tiny anglesite crystals with even smaller orange minium. Ex Jo Price Collection. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 20 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia New South Wales ncat JP452 Anglesite, Cordillera Mine, Tuena, Georgiana Co., New South Wales May 7, 2021
Australasia Australia New South Wales 2756 Minium, Acanthite, Broken Hill, New South Wales October 3, 2019
Australasia Australia New South Wales 5357 Coronadite, Anglesite, Broken Hill, New South Wales September 29, 2019