3910 Olivenite, Barite, Arseniosiderite, Tistoulet mine, Padern, Narbonne, Aude, Occitanie, France June 24, 2021 Steve Europe France Stubby green crystals of olivenite with pale thin tabular barite, that sprinkled with a tiny yellow arseniosiderite balls. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 50 images. Ex Cederick Gineste 2/2005. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Czech Republic ncat JP1300 Barite, Lahost (Jenikov), Duchcov (Dux), Usti Region, Czech Republic October 11, 2019
Australasia Australia Queensland ncat VHD15, Calcite, Chalcopyrite, Fluorite, Barite, Enerst Henry Mine, Queensland November 17, 2019
Oceana Papua New Guinea 6091 Barite, Porgera Mine, Mt Kare Valley, Mt Hagen, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea October 2, 2019