0502 Azurite, Malachite, Triako Open Cut, Mineral Hill, near Condobolin, New South Wales June 28, 2021 Steve Australasia Australia New South Wales A sharp azurite crystal casting a blue hue on the malachite beneath. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia Northern Territory 0770 Pyromorphite, Cerussite, Malachite, Browns Prospect, Rum Jungle, Northern Territory September 20, 2019
Australasia Australia New South Wales 5729 Hoganite, Cerussite, Malachite, Broken Hill, New South Wales December 5, 2020
Europe Germany 4531 Azurite, Clinoclase, Clara Mine, Rankach valley, Oberwolfach, Wolfach, Black Forest, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany October 5, 2019
Australasia Australia New South Wales 3347 Chlorargyrite, Malachite, Broken Hill, New South Wales October 3, 2019