1341 Bertrandite, Triple Chance Beryllium Mine, Thackaringa, New South Wales August 31, 2021 Steve Australasia Australia New South Wales Prismatic rectangular cross-section colourless crystals of bertrandite formed in a cavity that once was a beryl crystal. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 70 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Asia Kazakhstan 5504 Bertrandite, Pyrite, Quartz, Sphalerite, Kara-Oba W deposit, Betpakdala Desert (Bet-Pak-Dal Desert), Karagandy Province (Qaragandy Oblysy; Karaganda Oblast’), Kazakhstan October 5, 2019
Connecticut North and Central Americas United States 1780 Bertrandite, Biermann’s Quarry, Bethel, Connecticut, USA September 22, 2019