2846 Dioptase, Fluorite, Quartz, Mammoth-Saint Anthony Mine, Tiger, Mammoth District, Pinal Co., Arizona, USA December 1, 2021 Steve Arizona North and Central Americas United States Specimen acquired in the micromount room at the Tucson Show. Ex Bob Jenkins. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 30 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Europe Russia 30102 Quartz, Pyrite, Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite, Nikolaevskiy Mine, Dalnegorsk, Dalnegorsk Urban District, Primorsky Krai, Russia May 17, 2020
North and Central Americas United States Washington 9090 JP2787, Boulangerite, Quartz, Cleveland Mine, Adams Mountain, Deer Trail & Cedar Canyon Districts, Huckleberry Range, Stevens Co., Washington, USA September 23, 2019
Australasia Australia Tasmania 3368 Dolomite, Quartz, Chalcopyrite, Chamosite, Prince Lyell Mine, Queenstown, Tasmania October 3, 2019