4947 Smithsonite, Barite, Hope Quarry, Bradwell, Derbyshire, England, UK December 3, 2021 Steve Derbyshire England United Kingdom Rounded honey-coloured jellybean smithsonite crystals with bladed barite. Acquired from Philip Grounds, Bay Minerals, in 2012. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 55 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia Victoria ncat JP2882 Barite, Plumbogummite, Wolfram Mine, Pittong, Golden Plains Shire, Victoria September 23, 2019
Australasia Australia South Australia ncat JP2572 Smithsonite, Willemite, Beltana Mine (E.Z. Mine; Beltana deposit; Beltana-Aroona deposit; Puttapa mine), Puttapa, Leigh Creek, North Flinders Ranges, Flinders Ranges, South Australia September 23, 2019
Peru South America 1097 Barite, Cerro Warihuyn (Huarihuyn), Miraflores, Huamalies Province, Peru May 15, 2020