ncat GLEE Carminite, Beudantite-Segnitite, Kintore Opencut, Broken Hill, New South Wales December 23, 2021 Steve Australasia Australia New South Wales Red carminite with green beudantite-segnitite. Interesting dark lines along some of the carminite crystals. Ex Graham Lee. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 80 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia New South Wales Type Locality 0380 Mawbyite, Segnitite, Carminite, Kintore Open Cut, South Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales September 19, 2019
Australasia Australia New South Wales 0348 Carminite, Kintore Open Cut, South Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales September 19, 2019
Europe Portugal 2115 Scorodite, Carminite, Segnitite, Gestoso Mine, Arouca, Portugal September 22, 2019