0789 Azurite, Cerussite, Malachite, 115ft Level, Block 9 Mine, Mineral Hill, near Condobolin, New South Wales January 20, 2022 Steve Australasia Australia New South Wales Brownish bladed cerussite with green needles of malachite and blue bladed azurite. Width of view 9mm. Stack of 37 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
England Somerset United Kingdom ncat JL3214 Azurite, Barite, Cannington Park Quarry, Bridgewater, Somerset, England October 15, 2019
Europe Germany 4531 Azurite, Clinoclase, Clara Mine, Rankach valley, Oberwolfach, Wolfach, Black Forest, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany October 5, 2019
Australasia Australia Queensland 0177 Chalcocite, Malachite, Quartz, Great Australia Mine, Cloncurry, Queensland September 18, 2019
Australasia Australia South Australia 4927 Azurite, Tumby Bay Mine (Wheal Bessie), Tumby Bay, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, Australia October 5, 2019