4686 Erythrite, Im Lochborn Copper mine, Bieber, Gelnhausen, Spessart, Hesse, Germany April 3, 2022 Steve Europe Germany Pale pink puffballs with darker pink surfaces. Width of view 3mm. Stack of 30 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version. Click for full sized imageā¦
Australasia Australia Queensland 2133 Erythrite, Heterogenite, Mansfieldite, Mount Cobalt Mine, Selwyn District, Cloncurry Shire, Queensland April 9, 2024
Australasia Australia Queensland ncat AU002 1700 Erythrite, Cobaltite, Calcite, Biggenden Mine, North Burnett Region, Queensland February 4, 2023
Cornwall England United Kingdom 3670 Erythrite, Ennys Wheal Virgin, St Hilary, Cornwall, England, UK November 1, 2021