0758 Chrysocolla, Hemimorphite, Quartz, Shangri La Mine, Kununurra, Western Australia May 10, 2022 Steve Australasia Australia Western Australia Blue chrysocolla with white hemimorphite. The matrix and the hemimorphite are coated with drusy quartz. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 29 images. Closeup width 3mm, stack of 50. Click on the images below for a higher resolution version.
Europe Russia 20022 Siderite, Nikolaevskiy Mine, Dalnegorsk, Dalnegorsk Urban District, Primorsky Krai, Russia October 20, 2019
Minnesota North and Central Americas United States 5711 Goethite, Quartz, Robert Mine (Roberts Mine; Kennedy Mine), Cuyuna Range, Crow Wing Co., Minnesota, USA August 24, 2020
Chile South America ncat GLEE Phurcalite, Meta-torbernite, Quartz, Unknown, San Miguel prospect, Los Azules mine, Quebrada San Miguel, CopiapĆ³, CopiapĆ³ Province, Atacama, Chile July 30, 2024
Australasia Australia Tasmania 3370 Chalcopyrite, Quartz, Prince Lyell Mine, Queenstown, Tasmania October 3, 2019