ncat MAR02 M348 Corkite, Kintore Open Cut, Broken Hill, New South Wales July 2, 2022 Steve Australasia Australia New South Wales Tiny colourless drusy crystals. Ex Bernie Day Collection. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 25 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia New South Wales 3998 Dufrenite, Beraunite, Libethenite, Corkite, Tsumebite, Block 14 Open Cut, South Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales October 3, 2019
Australasia Australia New South Wales 1742 Corkite, Spotted Leopard Mine, Cobar, Robinson Co., New South Wales July 2, 2022
Cumbria England United Kingdom ncat JP1455 Corkite, Eagle Crag Mine, Patterdale, Ullswater, Cumbria, England, UK October 8, 2019
Australasia Australia New South Wales ncat JP1431 Pyromorphite, Corkite, Broken Hill South Mine (BHS Mine; South Mine), Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna Co., New South Wales September 5, 2021