1241 Dolomite, Lady Shenton Mine, Menzies, Western Australia November 13, 2022 Steve Australasia Australia Western Australia Colourless zoned rhombs. Width of view 2.5mm. Stack of 26 images Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia Victoria ncat JP3084 Dolomite, Eastern Hill, Mount Anakie, Anakie, City of Greater Geelong, Victoria September 23, 2019
Australasia Australia Victoria 1193 Dolomite on Analcite, Cairns Bay, Flinders, Victoria September 22, 2019
New York North and Central Americas United States 1037 Dolomite, Niagra Co, New York, USA September 22, 2019
New York North and Central Americas United States 5688 Sphalerite, Quartz, Dolomite, Lockport, Niagara Co., New York, USA July 10, 2020