ncat AA2 Epidote, Quartz, Old Mount Riddock Homestead Mine, Mt Riddock Station, Harts Range, Central Desert Region, Northern Territory January 10, 2023 Steve Australasia Australia Northern Territory Prismatic green epidote on quartz. Ex John and Betty Weir. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 70 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia New South Wales ncat VHD4, Quartz, Broken Hill, New South Wales November 17, 2019
Australasia Australia Northern Territory 10026 Chrysocolla, Malachite, Pyromorphite, Wulfenite, Cerussite, Quartz, Mt Fitch, Batchelor, Coomalie Shire, Northern Territory October 5, 2019
Australasia Australia Tasmania 2828 Cassiterite, Quartz, North Face, Mt Bischoff, Waratah, Tasmania October 3, 2019