ncat VHD11, Epidote, Spriggs Bore, Harts Range, Northern Territory January 10, 2023 Steve Australasia Australia Northern Territory A cluster of lustrous green epidote crystals 29mm tall. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia Victoria ncat JP298 Axinite-(Fe), Ferro-actinolite, Ferro-tschermakite, Epidote, Dookie Mineralogical Reserve quarry, Dookie, City of Greater Shepparton, Victoria September 23, 2019
North Ayrshire Scotland United Kingdom 9033 JP2319 Epidote, Calcite, Grossular, Loanhead Quarry, Beith, North Ayrshire, Scotland, UK June 11, 2020
Michigan North and Central Americas United States ncat JP748, Epidote, Quartz, Laurium Mine, Keewenaw Peninsula, Michigan, USA September 23, 2019
Australasia Australia Tasmania 5130 Fluorite, Epidote, Quartz, Kara Mine, Hampshire, Tasmania September 29, 2019