5362 JL933 Sulphur, Lake Rotokawa, Wairakei, Taupo District, Waikato Region, North Island, New Zealand February 28, 2023 Steve Australasia New Zealand Yellow crystals of sulphur on carbonised wood. Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Acquired by Joan in 1990 from Arthur Roffey. Width of view 11.5mm. Stack of 45 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Europe Italy 4672 Stibiconite, Stibnite, Quartz, Valentinite, Sulphur, Le Cetine di Cotorniano Mine, Chiusdino, Siena Province, Tuscany, Italy November 16, 2018
Europe Italy 9031 JP2362 Senarmontite, Sulphur(?), Tafone Mine, Manciano, Grosseto Province, Tuscany, Italy June 10, 2020
Australasia New Zealand ncat JR10 Sulphur, Lake Rotokawa, Wairakei, Taupo District, Waikato Region, New Zealand November 24, 2023
Asia Indonesia 7086 Sulphur, Tangkubanparahu, Bandung, Jawa Barat Province, Jawa Island, Indonesia October 5, 2019