2467 Halotrichite, Melanterite, The Springs, Wellington Park, Hobart city, Tasmania February 10, 2024 Steve Australasia Australia Tasmania An efflorescence in a gel capsule. White halotrichite and pale yellow melanterite. Identified by Ralph Bottrill. Width of view 7.25mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Europe Sweden Type Locality 5656 Botryogen, Halotrichite, Falun mine, Falun, Dalarna, Sweden October 5, 2019
Isle of Anglesey United Kingdom Wales 5269 Copiapite, Halotrichite, Mona Mine, Parys Mountain, Anglesey, Wales, UK September 29, 2019
Arizona North and Central Americas United States ncat JP1533, Botryogen, Halotrichite, Magnesiocopiapite, Antler Mine (Antler Gold Mine; Spuyten Duyvel Mine), Arrastra Mt., Hualapai District, Hualapai (Hualpai) Mts, Mohave Co., Arizona, USA September 23, 2019
Arizona North and Central Americas United States 0806 Halotrichite, Flux Mine (Goshen Mine), Flux Gulch, Alum Gulch, Harshaw District, Patagonia Mts, Santa Cruz Co., Arizona, USA September 20, 2019