1404 Anatase, Val Maighels, Tujetsch, Surselva Region, Grisons, Switzerland February 23, 2024 Steve Europe Switzerland Sharp bluish anatase crystals. Width of view 5mm. Stack of 50 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
North and Central Americas North Carolina United States ncat JP3653, Anatase, Rutile, Muscovite, Yates Brooks farm, Lattimore, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, USA September 23, 2019
Canada North and Central Americas 7396 JL1899 Anatase, Albite, Aegirine, Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM, Montérégie, Québec, Canada December 29, 2020
Australasia New Zealand ncat JP2521 Anatase, Fantail Bay, Paritu, Colville, Coromandel Peninsula, Thames-Coromandel District, Waikato Region, North Island, New Zealand October 8, 2019
Europe Italy ncat JP1111 Derbylite, Anatase, Buca della Vena Mine, Ponte Stazzemese, Stazzema, Apuan Alps, Lucca Province, Tuscany, Italy October 11, 2019