7145 JL2169 Offretite, Schrimpf basalt works, Herbstein, Vogelsberg, Hesse, Germany March 26, 2024 Steve Europe Germany Ex Joan Lamond Collection. Labelled as thomsonite, but clearly identical habit to offretite pictured on Mindat. Width of view 3mm. Stack of 40 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Europe Germany 4463 Offretite/Erionite, Chabazite, Phillipsite, Bonacker quarry, Gedern, Vogelsberg, Hesse, Germany October 5, 2019
Co. Antrim Northern Ireland United Kingdom 0647 Levyne, Cowlesite, Offretite, Dunseverick, Giants Causeway, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland September 20, 2019
Arizona North and Central Americas United States ncat JP1759, Offretite, Black Hill, Graham Co., Arizona, USA September 23, 2019