1273 Analcime, Bickers Quarry (Simpkins Quarry), Tokatoka, Kaipara District, Northland Region, North Island, New Zealand June 27, 2024 Steve Australasia New Zealand Unidentified white mineral (possibly thomsonite?) in analcime. Width of view 3mm. Stack of 90 images. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
Canada North and Central Americas 2199 Pectolite, Biotite, Pyrophanite, Analcime, Poudrette Quarry, Mont St Hilaire, Quebec, Montreal, Canada September 22, 2019
Australasia Australia Victoria ncat JP517 Analcime, Basalt quarry, Jindivick, Baw Baw Shire, Victoria September 23, 2019
Africa Namibia 6054 Arisite-(Ce), Tuperssuatsiaite, Analcime, Aegirine, Aris Quarries, Aris, Windhoek District, Namibia October 2, 2019