4850 Levyne-Ca, Thomsonite-Ca, Lower Karandoli Quarry, Lonavale, Pune District, Maharashtra, India July 16, 2024 Steve Asia India Blocky colourless crystals with rounded aggregates of thomsonite. Width of view 6mm. Stack of 60 images. Ex Richard Bell. Click on the image for a higher resolution version.
Australasia Australia Victoria ncat AA O13 Erionite, Levyne-Ca, Thomsonite-Ca, Basalt quarry, Jindivick, Baw Baw Shire, Victoria February 3, 2023
Asia Japan 5490 Levyne, Analcime, Thomsonite-Ca, Kuniga, Nishinoshima, Oki Islands, Okinoshima, Oki District, Shimane Prefecture, Japan July 22, 2024
Australasia New Zealand ncat VHD15, Thomsonite-Ca, Calcite, Aranga Quarry, North Island, New Zealand November 17, 2019